A map of campgrounds around the world based on OpenStreetMap.
Public access:
camping caravaning
caravan site
tents only campsite
nudist campsite
campsite for groups/scouts
backcountry campsite
Private/members only:
camping caravaning
caravan site
tents only campsite
nudist campsite
campsite for groups/scouts
backcountry campsite
Website: https://angstacamping.com/
Coordinates: 63.0327639,14.8008453
Ångstavägen 28
834 99 Tandsbyn
OSM ID: 670170907
OpenCampingMap is a global map of campgrounds based on data from OpenStreetMap.
The source code of the Web frontend as well as the backend is available as a FOSS project by Sven Geggus at GitHub.
The data shown here is solely extracted from OpenStreetMap and updated on an hourly basis.
Unfortunately this data does still need some work. However the availability of this map will hopefully help to improve it.
Fortunately anybody can help doing this!
Just click at the bugs bar of your favourite campsite and add the missing features using one of the edit buttons.
Even armchair mappers can help a lot, as many of the missing features can often be found using your favourite search engine because most campsites have their own website.
Information about campsite tagging can be found on the OpenStreetMap Wiki.
Last update:
2025-02-06 15:21:45